Changelog for Personinfo WS:

Changes with 2.2.9
    *)  Feature: New field RettsligHandleevne added to responses of PersonSokDSFRelasjoner and PersonSok

Changes with 2.2.8
    *)  Feature: Added field Tjenesteomraade, Statsborgerskap and Kjonn to Verge
    *)  Change: Fields MandatKode and Mandat in Verge is no longer supported by FREG and will not provide any data. To some extend field Tjenesteomraade replaces MandatKode/Mandat
    *)  Change: Field Statsborgerskap now also includes "Landkode". This is the ISO 3166 Alpha2 code of the country

Changes with 2.2.6
    *)  Feature: added AdresseCo to NavnAdresse in HentPersonResponse

Changes with 2.2.5
    *)  Feature: added vergemål and fremtidsfullmakt i personsøk DSF and PersonSokDSFRelasjoner

Changes with 2.2.4
    *)  Change: removed field for disponibelt inntekt.

Changes with 2.2.3
    *)  Feature: added field InOwnPortfolio to element Loan (HentPersonResponse --> DebtInfoGras --> Loan)

Changes with 2.2.2
    *)  Feature: added field Kommunenr to response element Personalia when requesting PersonSok -> Fodselsnr
    *)  Feature: added field Kommunenr to response element NavnAdresse when requesting HentPerson -> NavnAdresse

Changes with 2.2.1
    *)  Feature: added field BetydeligEndring on Ligning in HentPerson.

Changes with 2.2.0
    *)  Feature: added field InOwnPortfolio to elements CreditFacilityNogi, ChargeCardNogi and RepaymentLoanNogi

Changes with 2.1.6
    *)  Change: Debtinformation for GRAS, field dataold is changed from string to boolean and field NominalInterestRate in
        LoanGras is changed from long to double.

    *)  Bugfix: Fixed a bug that made it hard to autogenerate classes from wsdl for request PersonSokDSFRelasjonerReq

Changes with 2.1.5
    *)  Feature: Debt information from Norsk Gjeldsinformasjon AS (Nogi) can now be requested. For more details
        please see the SWS documentation

Changes with 2.1.4
    *)  Feature: Field DsfStatusKode and DsfStatusTekst added to elements NavnAdresse in HentPersonResponse
    *)  Feature: Field DsfStatusKode and DsfStatusTekst added to elements Personalia in PersonSokResponse
    *)  Feature: Field Status in element NavnAdresse is now depricated. Use the new field DsfStatusKode

Changes with 2.1.3
    *)  Feature: Field Oppslagstidspunkt added to element HentPersonResponse